New Way of Testing for COVID-19 at Mount Horeb Family Pharmacy
Beginning on Monday, October 24th, we will use a new testing protocol for anyone with COVID symptoms.
Instead of administering a PCR test and waiting for test results from the laboratory, you will complete a proctored rapid test under supervision from our staff.
How to get a COVID test
Register for a test using the link below. Please bring the emailed QR code from registration with you. Call the Pharmacy at (608) 437-3001 when you are parked outside on Grove St.One of our pharmacy staff members will come out to the curb to help you take a witnessed (or proctored) antigen test-which is also referred to as a rapid test.
How does a witnessed rapid test work?
A witnessed rapid test takes place curbside outside of the pharmacy. You may remain in your car during the test.
Our staff member will ask you some questions to find out which COVID symptoms you have. Having symptoms means you are symptomatic. If you have no symptoms, you are asymptomatic.
Then, our staff member will give you the supplies you need for the test and make sure that you collect your sample correctly. You do not need to wait for results at the pharmacy.
Our staff member will process the test inside the store. Results will be emailed and texted to you via the COVID Connect app. Results are available within 15-20 minutes.
If you test negative and do not have COVID symptoms
- Continue to live your best life!
If you test positive and have COVID symptoms
- Stay home for 5 days.
- If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house.
- Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.
- If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves.
If you test negative but have COVID symptoms
- Our pharmacy staff will follow up with you to schedule a PCR test if you would like one to confirm your rapid test result.