
Save Time, Hassle, and Money
At MHFP, we provide a wide range of vaccinations, both routine and seasonal. Save yourself a trip to the clinic and make an appointment for your vaccine at the pharmacy.
We offer the following vaccinations:
- Influenza (2024-2025)
- COVID 2025 Spikevax – 12 years and older
- Pediatric COVID(Ages 5-11) COVID-19 Vaccine — 1st Dose or 2nd Dose
- Pediatric COVID (Ages 5-11) COVID-19 Vaccine — Bivalent Booster
- Pediatric Moderna (Ages 6m-5y 364 days) **Under 3y requires Rx**
- Pediatric Pfizer (Ages 6m-4y 364 days) **Under 3 requires Rx**
- Shingrix – 1st Dose
- Shingrix – 2nd Dose (2-3 months after 1st dose)
- TDaP (Tetanus, Diptheria, & Pertussis)
- Pneumonia
- Hepatitis B
Book yours online here or call 608-437-3001 to talk to one of our friendly staff members to find a time that works for you.
Call to learn more today!
Give us a call at 608-437-3001 to learn more or to ask questions about our services.
We look forward to providing you and your family exceptional care!