Brady Alfred
Pharmacy Technician
Meet Our Pharmacy Technician: Brady Alfred
Brady grew up in Barneveld, Wisconsin and graduated from the Barneveld School District in 2023. He spends much of his free time volunteering with emergency services and has been with the Mount Horeb Family Pharmacy team since 2022.
Brady’s unmistakable passion for emergency services was undoubtedly meant to be.Throughout highschool, he received multiple certifications related to emergency services, ranging from firefighter safety to traffic incident management. During his senior year of high school, he also earned certifications in firefighting principles, entry-level firefighter, and hazardous materials awareness and operations from Southwest Wisconsin Technical College.
I like working with my coworkers as a team to give the highest quality of care to our patients and that we are all there for others when they are in need.
– Brady Alfred, Pharmacy Technician
Having someone like Brady on our team helps us put the big heart into our little pharmacy. Brady is eager to help those around him, making him a star on our team as well as in the emergency services field.